Community Profitability

A chat with The Tea Lady about……

Community Profitability

Equal benefit to all – Users and Advertisers

It’s you again pally, don’t you have a home to go to or is my baking?

Well you might as well come in and sit down as I’ve just made a fresh pot of tea and the little sods upstairs have decided to go across the road to the coffee shop I clean in the evenings at for elevenses.

I’ve been thinking about how important it is for you to enjoy yourself when you are online in your social networking community.

When you just want to catch up with everyone, see the fun pictures or videos they have posted, have a good laugh and at the end of it all, feel like you have enjoyed the past hour or two.

Now if you work in an office or a factory, if you work in the garden or dig holes, it is nice to have someone offer you something you like at the time you want it.

Like a nice cup of tea and a scone or a long cold drink and creamy coffee pie.

As the tea lady here, I get the nicest smiles and thank you’s when I just happen to be going around the office corridors with my trolley (squeak – squeak………. squeak – squeak, ha ha ha) and pop into someone’s office and say “tea pally”.

They just love it because I was thinking of them and I knew that right about then they would be wanting something like a nice cuppa.

And if I have some extra special baking, well that’s a real treat for them.

It is no different with advertising, while you are sitting there online in your community, writing away to your friends, it is nice to have someone come along and offer you something you really want.

Although it won’t be anything physical like a cup of tea or a piece of cake, it would most likely be a special offer on your favorite brand of tea or some prime beef rib eye steaks that are available from a shop close by or on your way home.

It could even be possible that the steak advertisement was triggered by you talking to someone in a chat room about having a BBQ this Saturday.

I would like to be told that I can get an extra 20% off my next packet of tea of pound of steak all this week at Vic’s Supply House.

I might even belong to Vic’s loyalty program and get an extra 5% if I swipe my loyalty card, and if the swiping of this card was attached to the community it could pay me some bonus points to use in the community mall.

Think about it while sitting back in that chair there.

You see advertising should benefit you and entertain you, not annoy you, and in a community like the one these little darlings have built here, it is possible for it to be that way.

If the community system knew what you like and when you liked it, the advertisements you see would become relevant to your everyday life, they would be more like a reminder or “hey, would you like one of these, it’s that time of the day” just like the tea lady walking around the corridors of the office building, squeak – squeak…………..squeak – squeak, ha ha ha.

And you wouldn’t complain about them then would you..

Kindest regards,

The tea lady

Bye bye.

Community Credits and Points

A “wee” chat with the The Tea Lady about……


Hello there, come into the kitchen and sit down.

I don’t have time to make a cuppa at the moment I’m sorry so here is a quick say so about credits and then I will tell you more next time ok.

Imagine this, an online community with its own Federal Reserve, Inland Revenue Service, US Mint and Fort Knox built into it.

If you are the type that likes to play with numbers and would like to design your very own community financial system, then this is exactly what you need I tell you.

The Social Networking Software the little sods here have built is really quite remarkable as this is exactly what they have built into it.

You can even become the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

This allows you to set up how much you charge or pay members for almost everything they do, meaning every time they click on something, whether it is sending an email or just answering a question, someone pays someone.

You can also give credits/points to another member as a gift or reward.

You keep these credits/points in your community wallet.

These credits/points can also be used by members to buy and sell things in the community mall, members can also purchase them for real money.

A community currency is the key to creating a successful revenue-generating online community. It essentially allows you to charge for everything a member does!

Lets talk more about this next time though, I have to push on, its tea time.

Kindest regards,
The Tea Lady
Bye bye.

Online Charities and the social web

A “wee” chat with the The Tea Lady about………


Hello there, if you’re involved in a charity I am so thankful you stopped in here, charities are such a good thing and it takes great people to work for them.

It’s an old saying I know, “every little bit helps”, so this is the right place to be to get some advice on how to get every little bit out of a social networking system.

The little darlings here have designed the entire system to work in every way for profit and non-profit organizations.

Almost every action (or click you do) in the community can be set to pay you or charge you credits / points.

Charging a monthly fee can give members a set amount of credits/points that they use to perform select functions. Members can buy any amount of additional points if required as well. These credits/points can be used to “send” emails like stamps, or to enter chat rooms if required.

Every activity that happens within the community can reward or charge members credits/points. Don’t worry though as it is up to you to select what things you want to have that this applies to.

This is the key to generating a revenue system for charities.

As it’s built in community currency, these credits/points can be used to purchase items in the community mall. Members can also sell items in an online garage sale style or the organization can sell donated items etc.

I think it would be so exciting to have massive garage sales in the community where people gather and chat and poke around, there will be some great bargains.

If you would like to know more on charities and how they can benefit, please ask me as I am only too happy to help in this area.

Kindest regards,
The Tea Lady
Bye bye.

Community Currency

A chat with The Tea Lady about………..

Community Currency

Oh, gosh, there you are.

I didn’t see you waiting here in the kitchen for me, so sorry, let me put the kettle on so we can have a piece of me mums coffee sponge and a cuppa before we get started.

That’s better….. you know there is such a lot of commotion going on here at the moment, seems like the world is calling to know more about social networking services.

While I am in and out of everyone’s offices and cubicles I hear everyone talking on the phone about Facebook this and My Space that, you know those two sites don’t you? And what they do.

Connecting this person with that person and then this one finding someone they didn’t even know, I ask you, it is incredible isn’t it.

And how they have pictures and videos of everyone doing almost everything, it’s amazing.

Well anyway, this is what every day is like here because these social networking things are what they do here.

If you’ve ever been interested in starting your own online community or you already have one and are looking at how to upgrade to a more exciting and rewarding system, then pull up a chair and have a listen to me.

I don’t know about you but I know it is very important that when you are looking to have an online community it should resemble your physical community as closely as possible.

We all communicate online with everyone now through email, message boards, message walls, instant messaging and newsletters etc, and we can have our little groups or clubs of close friends as well, but have you ever thought what it would be like if you could have your own community currency?

You see the community system these little sods here have designed has its own Secretary of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, Inland Revenue Service , US Mint and Fort Knox built into it (it even has its own Police).

And just like in real life, these things are connected to every part of the community right down to everything you click on.

This system is designed with ”for profit” and “not for profit” websites and organizations in mind which I think is pretty clever.

With your own community currency (which are called credits/points), you can charge people for almost everything and even pay them for doing things.

A whole new thing to do online, this can not only be rewarding to you or your organization or club money-wise but it can also be a lot of fun.

You know if you wanted to, you could stretch your imagination and have some real community currency printed to share amongst your friends at real live social gatherings ha ha ha, when you think about it you could have a lot of fun with it.

Just think if you were an elk hunting community and you had a party where members actually attended you could charge two “bucks” for a beer ha ha ha, that is of course if you had a picture of a “buck” printed on this play money.

So when people join your community you can pay them for doing so, you can pay them for whatever information they give you about themselves and you can pay them for inviting friends or family to join.

Just think about it, when were you last rewarded for joining something on the internet, it doesn’t happen very often does it? And what if you got a recipe from the tea lady for joining, think about that one I ask you.

Whenever someone wanted to advertise something for sale they can be made to pay a fee using their community currency, or if they want to download a file or upload a photograph they can be made to pay a fee with it.

You can pay members for commenting on people’s photographs or for reading articles.

If someone runs out of money they can be restricted to everything that requires a payment to use or do.

Members can also give other members some or all of their points, like a gift or reward.

In the community store, people can earn credits when they purchase items, just like a real reward program.

For more ideas of what you could do, here are some chat room examples.

  • You can set the number of times someone can talk if they don’t not have enough credits.
  • You can set a new members ability to talk at all in the chat room. 
  • Make people pay to have private one-to-one chats with other members.
  • Have them pay to create private chat rooms.
  • Allow only paying members to use Action commands or play chat games.
  • Allow only paying members to have special chat room entrance and/or exit messages. 
  • Even allow chat room moderators to pay the member’s for joining in the chats.

If you wanted to take it to the extreme you could have them pay with real money so they actually buy points to use within the community.

If you are involved in a charity this could be a great way to raise funds, charge $10 membership per month and members get 1,000 credits/points, but this is a whole cup of tea session on its own.

Now then, please let me know what you can think of to use these community credits on.

Anyway, I’ve got to go now as I’m making a real big pile of my old nanas potato scones tomorrow and I have to go and dig the spuds from the garden.

Kindest regards,
The Tea Lady
Bye bye.