A “wee” chat with the The Tea Lady about………


Hello there, if you’re involved in a charity I am so thankful you stopped in here, charities are such a good thing and it takes great people to work for them.

It’s an old saying I know, “every little bit helps”, so this is the right place to be to get some advice on how to get every little bit out of a social networking system.

The little darlings here have designed the entire system to work in every way for profit and non-profit organizations.

Almost every action (or click you do) in the community can be set to pay you or charge you credits / points.

Charging a monthly fee can give members a set amount of credits/points that they use to perform select functions. Members can buy any amount of additional points if required as well. These credits/points can be used to “send” emails like stamps, or to enter chat rooms if required.

Every activity that happens within the community can reward or charge members credits/points. Don’t worry though as it is up to you to select what things you want to have that this applies to.

This is the key to generating a revenue system for charities.

As it’s built in community currency, these credits/points can be used to purchase items in the community mall. Members can also sell items in an online garage sale style or the organization can sell donated items etc.

I think it would be so exciting to have massive garage sales in the community where people gather and chat and poke around, there will be some great bargains.

If you would like to know more on charities and how they can benefit, please ask me as I am only too happy to help in this area.

Kindest regards,
The Tea Lady
Bye bye.