A chat with The Tea Lady about……

Community Profitability

Equal benefit to all – Users and Advertisers

It’s you again pally, don’t you have a home to go to or is my baking?

Well you might as well come in and sit down as I’ve just made a fresh pot of tea and the little sods upstairs have decided to go across the road to the coffee shop I clean in the evenings at for elevenses.

I’ve been thinking about how important it is for you to enjoy yourself when you are online in your social networking community.

When you just want to catch up with everyone, see the fun pictures or videos they have posted, have a good laugh and at the end of it all, feel like you have enjoyed the past hour or two.

Now if you work in an office or a factory, if you work in the garden or dig holes, it is nice to have someone offer you something you like at the time you want it.

Like a nice cup of tea and a scone or a long cold drink and creamy coffee pie.

As the tea lady here, I get the nicest smiles and thank you’s when I just happen to be going around the office corridors with my trolley (squeak – squeak………. squeak – squeak, ha ha ha) and pop into someone’s office and say “tea pally”.

They just love it because I was thinking of them and I knew that right about then they would be wanting something like a nice cuppa.

And if I have some extra special baking, well that’s a real treat for them.

It is no different with advertising, while you are sitting there online in your community, writing away to your friends, it is nice to have someone come along and offer you something you really want.

Although it won’t be anything physical like a cup of tea or a piece of cake, it would most likely be a special offer on your favorite brand of tea or some prime beef rib eye steaks that are available from a shop close by or on your way home.

It could even be possible that the steak advertisement was triggered by you talking to someone in a chat room about having a BBQ this Saturday.

I would like to be told that I can get an extra 20% off my next packet of tea of pound of steak all this week at Vic’s Supply House.

I might even belong to Vic’s loyalty program and get an extra 5% if I swipe my loyalty card, and if the swiping of this card was attached to the community it could pay me some bonus points to use in the community mall.

Think about it while sitting back in that chair there.

You see advertising should benefit you and entertain you, not annoy you, and in a community like the one these little darlings have built here, it is possible for it to be that way.

If the community system knew what you like and when you liked it, the advertisements you see would become relevant to your everyday life, they would be more like a reminder or “hey, would you like one of these, it’s that time of the day” just like the tea lady walking around the corridors of the office building, squeak – squeak…………..squeak – squeak, ha ha ha.

And you wouldn’t complain about them then would you..

Kindest regards,

The tea lady

Bye bye.